Siamese Cats | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Guide

The Siamese cats are the most well known and most loved cats breeds in the world. This breed has a striking blue almond shaped eyes, short coat and sleek body and it’s no wonder why it has won the hearts of many. The Siamese cat hails from Thailand (formerly Siam), and has a long history as one of the most recognizable and popular breeds around the world.

History of Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat is a breed that goes back hundreds of years to ancient Siam, now known as Thailand. It is said that cats of this breed were owned and adored by the real Siamese royalty and were prized due to their graceful appearances. They were typically lodged in temples, and sometimes looked upon as sacred objects. The late 1800s saw the first ever Siamese cats brought to the United States and Europe and they were an instant success, first and foremost because of their appearance and secondly because they actually spoke. The breed is distinct by its blue eyes, sleek fur and colorpoint markings, not found in other domestic cats. From the Siamese cat that has become so many different types over the years, but still retains the charm and appeal that first lured cat lovers centuries ago.

Classification of Siamese Cat

A short haired breed with a fine, silky coat, Siamese cats are classified. They are also part of the same ‘Oriental’ group of cats as other sleek, slender breeds. The Siamese is typically divided into two types:

1. Traditional Siamese: Cats from these cats have a rounder face, a fuller body and softer features. This version is often that classic look of the breed.

2. Modern Siamese: The modern Siamese cat is more angular, has a longer body, and a much longer face and ears than the traditional type.

Although they differ, both types have the same personality, and are equally popular with cat lovers.

By Purpose

The Siamese cat breed was originally developed for companionship, and to be specifically a royal pet. Siamese cats are affectionate, loyal and intelligent, and have been a favorite of humans for their friendly nature. They are most kept today as family pets, but owing to their elegant appearance, they also seem to excel in the competitive cat shows.

By Size

Medium sized, Siamese cats can look bigger than they really are because of their sleek bodies and long limbs. They generally weigh 6 to 14 pounds, with females being a little smaller than males. Their slender build gives them a graceful, athletic appearance.

Most Popular Siamese Cats

Of all Siamese cats, the Seal Point is undoubtedly the most popular. Seal Points are dark brown or black with a cream or fawn colored body, with the exception of points (ears, face, paws, and tail). Blue Point, Chocolate Point and Lilac Point are also very popular and are other colours of points, namely greyish blue, light brown and light greyish lavender respectively. The breed’s allure is enhanced by the diversity of point colors, and many people have a favorite point coloration.

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Siamese Cat

1. Temperament: Intelligent and sociable, Siamese cats are known. Vocal and affectionate, they will follow their owners around and want attention. If you’re looking for a cat that will be interactive and engaging, a Siamese might be the cat for you.

2. Activity Level: Siamese are very energetic cat and they love playing and exploring. You may also need to give them toys to play with, climbing trees or playing interactive playtime to keep them happy.

3. Living Space: Being intelligent and playful, Siamese cats are best suited to homes with lots of space, ideally a large house or a apartment. However, they are very adaptable to smaller spaces once the have sufficient mental and physical stimulation.

4. Grooming: Siamese cats have a short fur, and they do not need much attention from a groomer. But they can drop, particularly with seasonal changes, so brushing them once or twice a week should help keep loose hair under control.

Explore Other Popular Breeds

For Sale

If you’re considering bringing a Siamese cat into your family, there are several trusted platforms that allow you to purchase kittens. However, when making a purchase or watching a feline for adoption at a responsible breeder or at an adoption center, make sure that your new feline friend is healthy and well taken care of. You can find purebred Siamese cats at the CFA’s directory of certified breeders. At CFA you can browse their breeder listings.

Tips for Responsible Siamese Cat Ownership

Provide Social Interaction: Siamese cats are very people oriented and love to be with their people. These cats are not the type to happily be left alone for long periods. They love companionship and need a lot of time to play with them regularly.

Veterinary Care: Siamese cat health requires regular vet check ups. As is the case with most cat breeds, Siamese cats can be prone to dental problems, so regular check ups and good oral hygiene are very important.

Training: If sired, Siameses are intelligent and very easily trained. With ease, you can teach them tricks or train them to use a litter box. Learn to train at an early age, that’s why.

 Fun Facts About Siamese Cat

 Vocal Personality: Famous for their loud, distinctive meows, Siamese cats are a breed. Often described as ‘talkative’, they will happily chat away to their owners for ages.

 Color Points: A temperature sensitive gene causes the dark coloration on their ears, face, paws, tail. Their body is warmer in the parts towards their center and cooler in the extremities, which retain a darker color.

 They Love Water: Unlike many cats, Siamese cats tend to be fascinated by water. Some like playing in sinks or bathtubs!


Siamese cats are affectionate, intelligent, and social and yes, they are. It’s the type of pet they would make an excellent companion to for individuals or a family that can provide the attention and care required.

Siamese cats have short coats but do shed. Although you cannot totally control it, you can lessen the shedding and also the hairballs after you brush your cat’s coat daily.

Siamese cats’ life expectancy ranges between 12 – 20 years although the cat can live for more years if it receives quality care.


Siamese cats are beautiful, intelligent and engaging, and make a wonderful companion. Its history, striking appearance and charming personality have made it one of the most popular cat breeds throughout the world. No matter if you are considering the purchase of a Siamese cat to adopt as a friend or to bring into your family, the breed has a great deal to offer those who will take care of and love them. However, if you’re prepared and know what you’re doing, you can own a Siamese cat that will be an incredibly rewarding experience.