Oriental Shorthair Cats | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Tips

Oriental Shorthair Cats | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Tips

The Oriental Shorthair cats are beautiful cats, friendly, clever, and funny – little princess that loves attention. The Oriental Shorthair descended from the Siamese cat, their features are similar but the Oriental Shorthair is available in a much wider variation of colours and markings. In this guide, you will learn about the history, types and…

the feature image is showing about American Shorthair Cats

American Shorthair Cats | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Guide

Buyers guaranteed a healthy breed that is adored and recognized in the United States as the American Shorthair cats. These animals are friendly, can easily adapt to different environments, and are naturally low stress animals making them ideal for any home, be it with children, seniors or singles. These include; Their short, dense coat and…

the feature image is showing about Birman Cats

Birman Cats | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Guide

The Birman cat, or the “Sacred Cat of Burma”, is an eye-popping breed with blue eyes, all round coat, and friendly personality. Birman cats are friendly with their sweet temper and soft character, so they will be perfect for families, for single people, and for elderly people. They hail from Burma and have taken the…

the feature image is showing about Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Tips

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed with beautiful fur and rather large bones, which comes from Norway and its forests. This cat has a fairly long and thick coat, large tufted ears, and a bushy tail – it seems to have left the world of Norse legends. The Norwegian Forest Cat is adaptable, independent,…

the feature image is about Scottish Fold Cat

Scottish Fold Cat | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Guide

Scottish Fold cat is among the most easily recognizable and extraordinary cats because of the specific feature of their ears – folds. These friendly, playful cats are gentle, calm tempered, and have beautiful fur. This cat breed has round faces, large eyes and has a different kind of ears compared to other cat breeds. This…

the feature image is about Burmese Cat

Burmese Cat | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Guide

Burmese cats are good tempered, enjoy playing and are usually very loyal. The most distinct and immediately recognizable Siamese cats are one of the most popular breeds in the world today due to their glossy sleek coats and beautiful rounded faces. For this reason these cats are referred to as being ‘dog like’ in that…

the feature image is showing about British Longhair Cats

British Longhair Cats | Breed Information, Personality and Care Tips,

British Longhair cats have nice looking beautiful fur and also they are friendly this breed of cat is also gaining popularity. These cats are a direct continuation of the British Shorthair breed and contain all the qualities that make this breed so popular – but with one addition: the length of the coat. Whether you…

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