Ragdoll Cat | Breed Information, Personality, and Care Guide

Ragdoll is one of the most famous and popular cat breeds all over the globe. Ragdolls have large blue eyes, long shiny fur, and are friendly cats that will be perfect for families and individuals. They are non-aggressive, friendly cats and because of this people have given them the names ‘puppy-like’ cats. This breed is not only nice to look at, but also very friendly, and that’s why it will suit those who like friendly and communicative cats.

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History of Ragdoll Cat

The Ragdoll cat was bred in the 1960s in Riverside, California by a lady called Ann Baker. Ann was able to adopt a white cat who has been abandoned and the cat is so laid back and friendly she was named Josephine. Ragdoll breed was developed from Josephine’s kittens when bred to other cats, and the kittens were remarkably tame and large as their mother, hence the name ‘Ragdoll’. The name Ragdoll has been inspired by this breed’s instinct to become lifeless when they are held, similar to a rag doll toy. In many years, it has become popular because of its friendly temperament, beautiful appearance and gentle character. Today Ragdolls are well loved and popular all over the world.

Classification of Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll cats are classified under the “Natural” groupage. These cats are not what might be known as pure-bred, although that sometimes has connotations with bred to specification, but are selectively-bred, with the emphasis placed on personality and looks as much as on structure. Ragdolls are known to be registered by some cat associations such as Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) and the International Cat Association (TICA).

They are classified under long-haired type of cats because they have semi-long dense coat, and they have well-grown, colored point coat pattern that resembles Siamese cats.

By Purpose

Ragdoll cats are mainly kept as pet animals because they are friendly and relaxed animals. Their temperament makes them point of interest for families, single people, or even seniors who want pets. Ragdolls are also popular as therapy pets because they are, usually very calm, and can form strong emotional connections with their owners.

They are not intended for specific work as some other breeds but they are great fulfilling the emotional part of the owner’s life.

By Size

Ragdolls are large cats; males usually can weigh between 15 to 20 pounds while the females are between 10 to 15 pounds. They are hardy felines with large muscles, heavy bone structures and are among the biggest domestic cats around. Ragdolls are relatively small cats, but they are very friendly and docile cats, which can be easily dealt with in any home.

This also makes them great looking animals due to their long silky fur coats. But then again, these large breeds need more attention and probably more space on the compound compared to small breeders.

Most Popular Ragdoll Cat

The Ragdoll breed comes in a variety of colors and patterns, with some of the most popular ones being:

Colorpoint: The most frequent coloration is black or dark spots on ears, face, legs and tail, and the rest of the body being lighter in shade.

Mitted: They have white paws ‘mittens’ and a white chin, and the colorpoint pattern as well.

Bicolor: This pattern has a white inverted ‘V’ on the face, white abdomen, white paws and the rest of the body is the dark color.

Ragdolls are offered in several color points: seal, blue, chocolate and lilac. Such differences make the Ragdoll one of the most beautiful cat breeds, and one can choose a preferred look from a wide list of possibilities.

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Ragdoll

When choosing a Ragdoll cat, several factors should be considered to ensure you’re selecting the right companion:

Temperament: Ragdolls are commonly described as being affectionate, laid back and sociable cats. But, it helps to ensure that the cat that you are going to take as your pet is like you, or compatible with your personality and lifestyle. Ragdolls are mostly affectionate and like to be with their owner.

Health and Genetics: Ensure that the breeder you are buying your Ragdoll cat from screens their cats for such diseases as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and other genetic disorders. Others include health checkups and vaccinations as well.

Grooming: Just like any other long fur breed, the Ragdoll cats need to be groomed consistently to avoid tangling of the coats. A breed may not shed as much as other long-haired breeds but they should be brushed at least once or twice a week.

Space: Ragdolls are large cats and happy to have territory they can explore where they need it. If you are living in an apartment, ensure that your cat has space enough in which to roam around.

Explore Other Popular Breeds

For Sale

For those of you looking to buy a Ragdoll cat, one of the best places to look is Petfinder. These various shelters and rescue groups that the platform puts you in touch with usually have Ragdoll cats for adoption. You may check their profile at Petfinder and look for a Ragdoll that needs a home to go to.

But before the final decision of adoption or purchase of the cat you should ensure that it is healthy and has been vaccinated appropriately. When searching for a pet always ensure that you deal with the right sellers or adoption centers for the best outcome.

Tips for Responsible Ragdoll Ownership

Regular Vet Visits: Make sure your Ragdoll is taken to the vet for a checkup and vaccinations as is necessary.

Grooming: Bath your pet on a regular basis so that their coats will always be neat and clean.

Social Interaction: Ragdolls love to be active with their family members, therefore should not be left alone most of the times.

Safe Environment: Despite the fact that Ragdolls are very calm cats, it is better to leave the cat indoors or in a safe area of the outdoor cage.

Fun Facts About Ragdoll Cats and Breeds

Cats of the ragdoll breed are reported to exhibit “puppy like” behaviors. They will usually at one point follow you around the house and will like being carried and being held.

It is almost unique to this breed – they can play with running faucets or even take a bath in a tub.

Ragdolls are quite smart and can be trained to do tricks like to pick up a toy, or to respond to a command to come.

FAQs About Ragdoll Cats

Though Ragdolls are a long-haired breed, the shedding is not as high as in any other long-haired cat breeds. They are like any other breed and need constant grooming especially due to the fact that they shed frequently.

Yes, Ragdolls are friendly cats that will love to be around children, and are playmates for them. They are also calm natured and slow moving which makes them well suited to families.

The Ragdoll cats have an average life span of 12 to 15 years. If well taken care of, they can live longer, and also spend many years with their owners.


The Ragdoll cat is one of the most amazing breeds ever, and it will be a great friend to anyone who wants a friendly and playful cat of surprisingly great size. Huge cats with beautiful hair and friendly disposition, they deservedly occupy one of the highest steps of the cat popularity rating. When buying a Ragdoll kitten from a breeder, or adopting one, ensure you get a healthy cat and give them the necessary care to live a healthy life in your home.